tekom - Tagungen

Maaike Groenewege

  • Convocat
  • Hilversum
  •  Maaike Groenewege


After working as a technical writer at Dutch Air traffic control for 14 years, and a brief stint as a requirement analist, Maaike Groenewege switched careers and entered the exciting world of chatbots and voice assistants.
In 2019, she founded Convocat Conversational Expertise. She now coaches writers on how to create chatbots and voice assistants that are actually helpful.
In addition, she works as a consultant for chatbot platform suppliers, advising them on how to improve the user experience for chatbot writers, create great onboarding, and write end user documentation like a pro.
Maaike started the Dutch chapter of Women in Voice, an international movement that aims to empower women that work in conversational technology: conversation designers, linguists, developers, and UX designers, by giving them a platform to speak and making them visible in leadership positions.